Thursday, December 3, 2015


               SHEM (48)
           Elam    Asshur    Arphaxad    Lud    Aram
           (49)    (50)      (51)        (52)   (53)
                               |                 |
                               |                 |
                         (58) Shelah     ------------------------
                               |         Uz   Hul   Gether   Meshech
                               |        (54)  (55)  (56)     (57)
                         (59) Eber
                     (74) Peleg   Joktan (60)
                         |            |
    ----------------------            |
(75) Reu   ------------------------------------------------------------
    |      | Sheleph  | Jerah    |   Uzal  |  Obal  | Sheba | Havilah |
    |      | (62)     | (64)     |   (66)  |  (68)  | (70)  | (72)    |
(76) Serug |          |          |         |        |       |         |
    |      |          |          |         |        |       |         |
    |   Almondad  Hazarmaveth  Hadoram  Diklah   Abimael  Ophir     Jobab
    |   (61)      (63)         (65)     (67)     (69)     (71)      (73)
(77) Nahor
(78) Terah
Abram   Nahor   Haran
(84)    (83)    (79)
 |                |
 |              Lot (80)
 |            ----------
 |           Moab   Benammi
 |           (81)   (82)
Ishmael   Isaac   Zimran   Jokshan   Medan   Midian   Ishbak   Shuah
(100)     (99)    (98)     (94)      (93)    (87)     (86)     (85)
  |                           |                -----------¿
  |                       ----------       ----------------------
  |                     Sheba   Dedan     Ephah |  Henoch |  Eldaah
  |                     (95)    (96)      (88)  |  (90)   |  (92)
  |                                |          Epher     Abidah
  |                                |          (89)      (91)
  |                     -----------|-----------
  |                  Asshurim   Letushim   Leummim
  |                             (97)
Nebioth  Kedar | Mibsam  Mishma  Dumah |  Hadad  Tema  | Naphish  Kedemah
(101)    (102) | (104)   (105)   (106) |  (108)  (109) | (111)    (112)
             Adbeel                  Massa           Jetur
             (103                    (107)           (110) 

(48) Shem
The progenitor of all the Semitic races. The name, Shem, is rendered as Sumu in the Akkadian inscriptions. At the time of the scattering of the nations from Babel, the descendants of Japheth (see 1) migrated to the north and north-west of Shinar, mainly towards Europe. They also migrated to the south-east towards the Indian sub-continent, and thence to the Far East. The descendants of Shem and Ham however, shared between them the southern and central regions of Asia Minor and Arabia, with Ham's descendants subsequently spreading onto the African continent. This, of course, meant that a certain amount of intermingling took place between the posterities of Shem and Ham and it is consequently sometimes difficult to assess whether certain early nations were predominantly Semitic or Hamitic.
Sometimes, for example, a people descended from Ham would adopt a Semitic language. Sometimes, a Semitic people would adopt an Indo-European (Japhetic) tongue, and this has naturally led to some confusion over certain archaeological or documentary aspects of the evidence. It has also, sadly, allowed the charge to be rashly made that the Table of Nations is replete with alleged 'scribal errors' and other types of mistake or fraud. A careful study of the following notices, however, should quell such fears.
The confusion that currently reigns, though, is especially prevalent amongst the early Arab nations. For example, Sheba and Dedan (see 22 and 23) are recorded in the genealogy as the grandsons of Cush, and were thus the progenitors of two Hamitic nations. Later in the genealogy, however there are yet two other founders of Arab tribes named Sheba and Dedan (see 95 and 96), both of whom, being descended from Abraham through Jokshan, are thus of Semitic origin. (There is also a third Sheba - see 70 - but he is extraneous to the point that we are now considering.) They are recorded in all instances as distinct and separate peoples. The problem, therefore, is deciding whether the later nations of Sheba and Dedan were so named after their Semitic or Hamitic ancestors.
The linguistic evidence is hardly decisive, as types of language were often adopted from outside the tribal or national sphere. Therefore, we are left with the chronological evidence which tells us, in this particular instance, that the tribes of Sheba and Dedan were originally of Hamitic descent, as the grandsons of Cush quite obviously lived several generations (eight to be precise) earlier than the sons of Jokshan. Thus, the later Semitic tribes of Sheba and Dedan were so named after the lands and Hamitic people amongst whom they settled. Indeed, it is of special interest for us to note in this context that the Hebrew word for Arab (that is 'rab') is derived from the same root as 'ereb,' meaning a mixed multitude. Furthermore, even today the Semitic tribes of the Arabian peninsula will speak disdainfully of theirHamitic neighbours as Musta 'rabs, or pretended Arabs.
However, whilst such problems are by means insuperable, we must be careful not to apply solutions that are too simplistic. National boundaries, in these early times, if they existed at all, were notoriously elastic. Some peoples would merge with neighbouring tribes and nations if only for the mutual protection that this afforded them in an often hostile world; the classic example being the merging of the peoples of Magog and Ashchenaz (see 3 and 6) to make up together the fierce and war-like Scythian peoples. At other times they may be conquered and dispersed or assimilated within conquering tribes beyond any further recognition. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that some should be lost to us altogether, whilst certain others should be of an entirely mysterious provenance. For the most part, though, these various peoples are still traceable in the ancient records, their historical reality, at least, being thus firmly demonstrated, even if their precise areas of settlement should sometimes be too vague to be accurately assessed.
(49) Elam
The founder of the Elamites, which people were known to the Babylonians as the Elamtu, to the Greeks as Elymais, and whom the Romans knew as Elymaei. The Elamites recorded their own name as the Haltamti. Subsequently, the Old Persian inscriptions rendered their name as (h)uju, and the Middle Persian inscriptions speak of huz, which is simply the archaic form of the modern Persian name for Khuzistan, which now covers what used to be the land of Elam (see Figure 8) (see Map 2).
(50) Asshur
The founder of the nation to whom he gave his name, to wit Assyria. It may be possible to identify Asshur in the early king-lists of Assyria as Puzur-Asshur I. According to these lists, Puzur-Asshur I would have lived and reigned c. 1960 BC, which accords rather well with the biblical chronology. Asshur was one of the earliest men to be deified and worshipped by his descendants. Indeed, as long as Assyria lasted, that is until 612 BC, accounts of battles, exploits, diplomatic affairs and foreign bulletins were daily read out to his image; and every Assyrian king held that he wore the crown only with the express permission of Asshur's deified ghost. On an even more fanciful level, in Jewish rabbinical literature he is said to have been the only righteous man in the days of the building of Babel, moving away when he learned the sinful nature of the enterprise. But this is so unlikely, and is at such variance with the vary nature of even his earliest descendants that it can be safely dismissed (see Map 2).
(51 ) Arphaxad
He was the progenitor of the Chaldeans, his name being equivalent to 'arpkeshed', that is, the boundary of Chaldea. That he was indeed the forebear of the Chaldeans is confirmed by the Hurrian (Nuzi) tablets, which render the name as Arip-hurra - the founder of Chaldea. The name was also known to the Akkadians as Arraphu. Some scholars have endeavoured to treat his name as a derivative of the Assyrian phrase 'arba-kishshatu', meaning the four corners of the world; but given the somewhat localized nature of the Chaldean people, confining themselves for the most part to southern Mesopotamia, this derivation is unlikely. The Assyians knew his descendants as the Kaldu, adept astrologers, magicians and mathematicians. Ptolemy, however, recorded the name of their land as Arrapachitis, whilst it was known to others as Arphaxitis. The very earliest settlement of the children of Arphaxad, however, appears to have been what is today a two and a half acre ruin called Arpachiya. It lies some four miles to the east of ancient Nineveh, and is the remains of a very early farming community (see Map 2).
(52) Lud
The early descendants of Lud, the Ludim, were known to both the Assyrians and Babylonians as the Ludu. Josephus tells us that their land was later known as Lydia , a direct Greek derivation of the name of Lud) which lay in western Asia Minor. The Lydians were famed in the old world for the skill of their archers. They spoke an Indo-European language, some examples of which are in the form of certain items of graffiti that currently defiles certain Egyptian monuments. The land of Lydia however, was finally conquored by Cyrus, king of Persian the year 546 BC (see Map 4).
(53) Aram
He was the founder of the Aramaeans, known to the Akkadians as the Aramu, but who were later known to the Greeks as Syrians (from Serug?, see 76). In an Assyrian inscription of Tiglath-pileser I, c. 1100 BC, the Aramae are described as living to the east of the river Tigris. About the time of Tiglath-pileser III, however, they are living all over Mesopotamia; after which, of course, they settled to the west, occupying roughly the same area that makes up modern Syria. A cuniform tablet from Ur bears the name of Aramu, and it is of interest to note that Aramaic is still spoken today (see Figure 9) (see Map 2).
(54) Uz
There is considerable disagreement as to the precise area in which the descendants of Uz settled; and given somewhat mobile nature of the Aramaeans (Aram was the father of Uz, see 53) this is hardly surprising. Northern Arabia, between Babylonia and Edom, seems the most likely area of settlement (see Map 2).
(55) Hul
His descendants settled north of the Sea of Galilee, where they gave their name to the lake and vale of Huleh (the biblical Waters of Merom). The place was notorious amongst Victorian explorers of Palestine for its tribes of Bedhouin robbers, and its far from healthy marshes swamps, which today have been drained, the reclaimed land being farmed and settled. The modern Israelis have also set up a nature reserve there, and know the place of the vale of Hula. The lake of Hula is formed by the accumulation of water from the two sources of the Jordan before beginning their descent to Galilee (see Map 4).
(56) Gether
His descendants settled to the south of Damascus. Josephus identifies them as the latter-day Bactrians, famous amongst other things for a breed of camel. Whether identification is correct or not cannot now be determined. It should, however, be noted that Bactria was populated by 'Aryan', that is Japhetic tribes in late Assyrian times, whereas the children of Gether were, of course, Semites (but see Shem, 48) (see Map 4).
(57) Meshech
His descendants are not to be confused with those of the Japhetic Meshech (see 14) who were Indo-Europeans. The name of this Semitic line of Meshech was also known as Mash, the area of whose settlement can be deduced from the fact that the Akkadians rendered the name as Mashu; which in turn was known to the Egyptians as Mish'r. Both of these names refer to peoples who dwelt in Lebanon (see Map 4).
(58) Shehiah
His name has not yet been found in secular sources.
(59) Eber
He gave his name to the Hebrew race. Some scholars have tried to identify him as Ebru, erstwhile king of Ebla, a theory that is not only impossible to substantiate, but is also unlikely on both chronological and ethnic grounds. The attempt to identify the Habiru of the Egyptian chronicles with the Hebrews may also be somewhat forced, although it is fair to add that, although we today tend to think only of the Jewish nation as Hebrews, in fact all of Eber's descendants would technically have been Hebrew also, the Joktanite tribes of Arabs included. But more and better evidence is needed before the matter can be finally settled.
(60) Joktan
The progenitor of no less than thirteen southern Arabian tribes, he is remembered by modern Arabs as Yaqtan. Only the purest Arabs, it is still maintained, are those Semitic Arabs descended from Joktan; whilst Hamitic Arabs are referred to somewhat disdainfully as Musta 'rabs, that is, pretended Arabs (see Shem, 48). Joktan's name is preserved in the ancient town of Jectan, near present-day Mecca (see Map 2).
(61) Almodad
Young gives Almodad' name as meaning 'The Agitator,' which, if correct, hides what is no doubt a most interesting background. The name is certainly Arabic - his descendants are known to early Arab historians as the Almorad tribe - although their precise area of settlement cannot now be determined (see Map 2).
(62) Sheleph
A southern Arabian tribe who were known to the pre-Islamic Arabs as the Salif. They were a Yemeni tribe whose capital, Sulaf lay some 60 miles due north of present-day Sana (see 66) (see Map 2).
(63) Hazarmaveth
His descendants populated the 200 mile long valley that runs parallel to the southern coast of Arabia. It is known to this day as the Hadramaut (a direct transposition into Arabic of the name Hazarmaveth). In pre-Islamic inscriptions, the name is variously rendered hdrmt and hdrmmwt. Strabo tells us that the tribe of Hazamaveth was one of the four main tribes of Arabs in his day. The name means 'town of death'(Hadramaut means the same thing in Arabic), the history of which, could we but discover it, could doubtless render a fascinating, though tragic, account (see Map 2).
(64) Jerah
There lies, on the shores of Galilee, a mined mound that is named Beth-Yerah, that is the House of Jerah, although it is unlikely that this refers to the subject here. It is, rather, far more likely that his descendants migrated into the southern regions of Arabia. Indeed, the Arab city that bore Jerah's name, and which was rendered by Ptolemy as Jerakon Kome, lay on the Mahra coast close to the Hadramaut (see 63) (see Map 2).
(65) Hadoram
A southern Arabian tribe which is seemingly unattested in secular records (see Map 2).
(66) Uzal
Arab historians render the name of Uzal as Azal, and this is the ancient pre-Islamic name of the city of San'a, the modern capital of the Yemen. Uzal's descendants are still doubtless thriving in the area. The Assyrians knew the tribe of Uzal as the Azalla (see Map 2).
(67) Diklah
The Akkadians rendered it as Diklath, and the Assyrians knew it as Idiklat; all of which transpose into Greek as Tigris. This may prove to be an important clue as to the area in which this people settled, that is to the north of the Persian Gulf or at least in the north-east extremity of the Arabian peninsula (see Map 2).
(68) Obal
A southern Arabian tribe whose name was rendered by Arab historians as Ebal. Ancient inscriptions from the Yemen render it as Abil, which is elsewhere given as Ubil. According to the sources the location of this tribe's place of settlement lies between the ancient Yemeni cities of Hadeida and San's (see Uzal 66) (see Map 2).
(69) Abimael
His descendants in southern Arabia, where their existence is known ancient Sabean inscriptions (see map 2).
(70) Sheba
Yet a third man named Sheba! (see 48, 22 and 95). Due to the presence in Arabia of both the Cushite and Jokshanite tribes of Sheba neither this individual, nor his descendants are in the records.
(71) Ophir
Their existence being duly noted in the pre-Islamic Arabian inscriptions, this tribe's area of settlement is given by them as lying between Saba and in the Yemen, and Hawlan (or Havilah, see 72). Then name seems to have been preserved in the coastal town of Ma'afir in south-west Arabia (see Map 2).
(72) Havilah
There were two Arabian tribes that were known under the name of Havilah. The first was of Hamitic descent, and is noted as (19) in the genealogy. This Hamitic tribe settled in the eastern regions of the Arabian peninsula. Their land was known to Arabian cosmographers as Hawlan. Kautsch renders the name as Huwailah, a people who dwelt on the Arabian shores of the Persian Gulf. The Semitic tribe of Havilah, however, remained distinct, and occupied areas on the opposite side of the peninsula. In Strabo's day, they were still occupying areas of northern Arabia, their name being recorded by him as the Khaulotaei. Josephus knew them as the Euilat. The Arabian cosmographer, Yakut, informs us that their dialect, Hawil, was spoken by 'the descendants of Midian, the son of Abraham,' (see 87). This Semitic tribe of Havilah also occupied the southernmost tip of Arabia, crossing the Bab-el-Mandeb to the African coast. Here both Ptolemy and Pliny refer to their city of Aualis on the Red Sea coast of Africa, which lay next to the modern state of Djibouti. This same city (Aualis) is today known as Zeila (see Map 2).
(73) Jobab
Jobab's descendants were known to the Akkadians as the Iabibi. They settled in the town that bore their founder's name, Juhaibab, which, according to Sabean inscriptions, lay close to what is now Mecca (see Map 2).
(74) Peleg
In his day was the earth divided. The meaning of his name, that is, 'division' as rendered in Hebrew, is confirmed by the Akkadian noun pulukku, which means a dividing up of territory by means of borders and boundaries. The Akkadian verb meaning to divide at the borders, is palaka. Likewise, the Assyrian palgu refers to the dividing up of land by canals and irrigation systems. It is in this sense that the Hebrew word peleg is used in, for example, Job 29:6 and Job 38:5. The man named Peleg, however, was so named after the division and scattering of the nations at Babel. in fact, one of the ancient names of Babylon (Babel) is nowadays translated as 'the place of canals' (palgu); whereas a better translation would obviously be 'the place of division'. There is, however, an ancient city that bore his name. That was known to the Akkadians as Phalgu, whose ruins lie at the junction of the Euphrates and Chaboras (Chebar, see Ezekiel 1:1) rivers. We see in the genealogy that the scattering of the nations from Babel thus occurred in the fifth generation after the Flood (see Map 2),
(75) Reu
This name appears as a personal name in Akkadian documents, where it is rendered Ra'u. The early Greeks knew it as Ragau. Reu was to give his name to an island in the Euphrates that lies just below the city of Amat, and which the Akkadians knew us Ra'ilu. It was also known to the Greeks as Ragu (see Map 2).
(76) Serug
He gave his name to the city and district that was known to the Akkadians as Sarugi. This lay to the west of Haran (see 79). It is usually taught that the Greeks gave Syria its name after confusing the name of Assyria. It is, however, more likely that the name of Syria is a corruption of Serug's name (see Map 2).
(77) Nahor
There seems to be no secular record concerning him, but see (83).
(78) Terah
The father of Abraham, he later settled in Haran (see 79), where he died. The name Terhah is associated in literature with the moon-god, and some thus think there exists a direct etymological link between his name and the 'teraphim', that is, small idolatrous images that were kept in most households. When we consider the subsequent history of Terah and his line (excluding that of Abraham through Isaac), then this is not at all unlikely. Indeed, Josephus 24:2 describes Terah as an idolater. However, near to the city of Haran, there was a place that bore Terah's name, known to the Assyrians as Turahi, and to the Akkadians as Turahu (see Map 2).
(79) Haran
Haran was the youngest of his father's sons. He born at Ur, and died there at a young age. To his father, Terah, (see 78) is attributed the founding of the city of Haran, Terah naming the place in his son's memory and honour. The city lay on the main highway to Nineveh from Carcemish, and it is interesting to note that the Assyrian noun for main-road was harranu. From its earliest days, the city was one of the chief centres of moon-worship and we frequently read of its temple being restored and embellished by successive kings of Assyria. Its temple was, indeed every bit as famous and well subscribed as that at Ur (where the family originated). Nimrod also was worshipped here (see 25), he being referred to in the inscriptions on concerning him as the 'Price of the men of Haran' (see Map 2).
(80) Lot
Secular history is silent concerning him, save for the fact that the Dead Sea has always been called by the Arabs, the Sea of Lot (see Map 2).
(81) Moab
He was, of course, the founder of the nation of Moab. This nation was also known as Mu'abu to the Akkaians, and as M-'-b to the Egyptians (see Map 4).
(82) Benammi

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